The idea occurred in the next few moments of that trip: Why not have a time of competition that would interest men, make it relevant, and also offer prizes that would spark their interest and competition.
So, after months of discussions, planning, and PR work, The First Annual Oldonyo Lengai WorldView Games were held in Engaresero.
The events scheduled were:
1) Throwing a spear for distance
2) Throwing a spear for accuracy
3) Throwing a rungu (roon goo) for accuracy
4) The high jump
5) 100 meter dash
6) 400 meter run
7) 5K run
There were 65+ participants in the games. Prizes were given for 1st and 2nd place in each event. These prizes included Buck knives, solar lamps which can charge cell phones, watches, solar flashlights, a jungle survival knife, and cash.
Some of the highlights:
They can also hit an 8 inch diameter log standing 3 feet high from a distance of 40 yards.
A rungu shatters when directly hitting the same log.
Maasai can run 100 meters really fast when they need to and with no shoes.
400 meters is shorter than you think when other people run with you.
A 5K run is great until the last 2K are uphill on a rocky road.
Men who liked the prizes but did not compete wanted to take away the prizes from the winners (but not one succeeded in doing this).
They want to do this again!
Plans are being made for the 2nd Annual Oldonyo Lengai WorldView Games in 2014.
We may even have T-shirts for the runners!