The recent Black Forest Academy team constructed soccer goals and library shelving for the Longido primary school.

The goals consisted of galvanized pipe, threaded and connected, and sunk into the ground 2 feet and anchored in with concrete. The assembly, digging, and concrete mixing were all done by hand. The goals were braced and left alone for two days so that the cement could set well. Water was poured on the concrete each day so that it would not dry out too fast and crack. On the 2nd day, the braces were removed and the nets installed on the frame. Then the first inaugural soccer match was played between the Longido primary school "warriors" and the Black Forest Academy "wafas". It was a tough match but BFA came out on top 3 -1.

The second project was to construct additional shelves for the school library. The available tools consisted of 4 handsaws, 4 hammers, and a cordless drill. The "fun" began when several boards had to be "ripped" in sections. Make-shift saw horses (school desks) were used for this procedure. Other boards were also cut to size, holes drilled for wall-mounting, and then the hammering marathon began!
The shelves were eventually completed and all were glad to see the last nail be driven into their "almost perfect and straight" project. Many claim that the shelves are not slanted or crooked, but that the building and the boards are not straight. The jury is still "out " on this ruling
The school was most grateful for these two facility additions and the team was glad that the "hand-made" projects were finished.
Several hurt in places they had never experienced pain before.
Ah, the joys of new experiences!
Thanks, BFA, for jobs well done!!