The sun blazed each day.
It had been hot, dusty, and challenging.
God had allowed us to work with Him in many ways among the Maasai in the area of Engaresero.
They heard the Word of God through teaching and sharing.
The Sunday worship time was a great and uplifting time
Some became new believers.
Others believers were baptized, demonstrating their new faith through this mode of testimony.
Our last day there was one of rest, reflection, evaluation, and planning for the next trip.
Then it began.
The wind increased dramatically in intensity.
The clouds in the distance became dark and ominous.
They were filled with dust as well as rain.

You have a dust/rain storm.
This storm was different.
The clouds were so thick that they obliterated the landscape.
Visibility was only a few hundred feet.
The horizon disappeared from our site.
Oldonyo Lengai (the Mountain of God - to the Maasai) was no longer visible from our campsite only 10 kilometers away.
Our tents began to sway and pitch as the storm increased, driving the dust and seeming rain in our direction.
We were in the direct path of this natural occurrence.
Then the storm hit our camp.
Heavy winds shook our tents and dumped dust and sand into the camp.
We sought shelter in a dining hut and watched as this storm came, stayed, and then eventually left.
Not one drop of rain fell on the camp.
The tents still stood.
No one was hurt.
After this storm passed, one person commented that "we had a great trip, saw God work in various ways in the lives of the people we were allowed to impact, and saw Him reap a harvest for His Kingdom. Satan was so mad that he through a "hissy fit" to try and discourage us on the last day. God protected us. Satan did not achieve his desired results".
When Satan throws a "hissy fit" in your life, remember that you are standing on the Rock of Ages.
As one song states "You (God) are my Rock, on you I stand, safe from the storms that surround me. You're my only Rock, on You I stand, don't have to rely on my own strength."
(Hillsong London Shout God's Fame)