Singing in the Rain

It has been over a year since they have had a decent rainy season in the Longido area. Many lost their entire herds last year.
Today when we arrive we were welcomed into the pastor’s house for chapati (flat bread) and chai (tea). We discussed many things, one being the lack of rain. One lady who stopped by to greet us said not to worry because it would rain by 3 PM.
At 11 AM it was time to go to church. The Longido Baptist Church has outgrown their building so they set up under a tree just outside their building. Even that was overflowing with people who were standing on the edges of the crowd. We sang, prayed and sang some more. Yohana, sitting across from us, pointed to the sky and said the rain was coming. As the service continued and the preacher got up to preach a huge black cloud had moved directly over head. I leaned over and asked Dan what he thought they would do if it stared raining. He just smiled and said he didn’t know.
About 12:15 PM, as the preacher began he said he was going to preach fast as the rain was coming and everyone laughed. Sure enough it started to rain. Just a few large drops at first then it began to pour. Did everyone run for cover? NO WAY! They had been praying for rain too long. The preacher kept right on preaching. Many even left their seats to get closer so they could hear better. When the preacher finished they sang again as they headed for the church where they could deposit their offering. Even after the service was officially over the people stayed around fellowshipping together and saying what a blessing the rain was.
What an exciting church service and thrill to see all these Maasai giving praise to God.
How exciting to hear of their wholehearted thankful attitude. Praise the Lord!