Recently, I went to the Engaresero area to finalize some logistics for a volunteer coming to work there.
I spent several days there getting things ready, visiting with officials, asking people to publicize our coming visit, and making new friends.

One lady, Naomi, who owns a small eating establishment, asked when I was leaving and if she could have a ride to Arusha. I did have room so I said yes. In kind, she gave me a free breakfast the morning of our departure and a banana on the way.

On our 6 hour trip, she related this story concering a female American tourist. This tourist had visited the area and learned that the Maasai still climb Oldonyo L'engai (The Mountain of God) to offer sacrifices for different things -- protection of their herds, increase in their herds, victory over enemies, etc. They usually offer a sheep, goat, or cow as the sacrifice. This American tourist had never had any children although she had tried over the years with her husband. This woman proceded to buy a sheep and goat and then climbed up Oldonyo L'engai with some Maasai men and women to offer sacrifices on her behalf to have a child. After her safari and sacrifices, she left the area and returned the to the USA.

Naomi then related that the woman returned to the Engaresero area 1 1/2 years later with an small child! This woman, shortly upon her return to the USA, had become pregnant and delivered a healthy baby. She came back to the area of her "sacrifice" to show her child to all who had helped her in her efforts to offer a sacrifice and plead for a child. She sponsored a big sherehe (Shay ray hay) or celebration commemorating the birth of her child and the answer she received from God evidenced in her new baby.

What do you think about this?
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