My creator is MegaVoice (
I am assembled in Israel and shipped to various world-wide destinations.
I am a small, portable voice projecting unit who is programed by my creators.
The only communication limits we have are determined by our creators/programmers, who install the appropriate language modules.
When my language memory module is inserted, I am able to communicate one-way with the designated life forms who understand the programmed language memory module.
My recharging panel is the most utilized section of my power system charging center.
The central control panel, located on the front console, is multi-functional and simple to operate.
One can navigate to the designated files using this central control panel.
Other MP3 units in my collective are sent to various parts of the world to communicate with many of the life forms on this planet.
In Tanzania, my life expectancy is approximately 2 years.
MP3s in the Tanzania collective have experienced internal displacement as well as system malfunctions.
One unit was being recharged via the solar panel.
It was placed at the solar recharging station on the top of one of the humanoids' dwellings.
Another humanoid removed it from it's recharging zone.
The humanoid utilized the central control panel and accessed the files.
The files were accessed for 7 hours.
During this process, the power supply was depleted.
The humanoid returned the unit to its original recharging station.
The humanoid interfaced with the recharging station humanoid.
It related that it had never heard anything like that before.
It reported that there was a change/reprogramming in its internal components.
The recharging station humanoid had an emotional reaction.
My data banks referenced it as "joy".
Another unit was left at its recharging station overnight.
During that time, heavy moisture from the atmosphere entered its internal components.
The humanoid followed logical protocol and placed it by a drying unit (designated "fire") to evaporate the moisture in its internal components.
Its external and internal components melded as one.
The unit did not survive.
Some have been transported to various locations via "cars", "buses", and "donkeys".
All units are programmed to function at peak capacity.
Training, proper maintenance, and care are to be
utilized to prolong the working life expectancy of the MP3 units.
All humaniods receiving the units are given these
specific instructions.
All units are limited in their functions and life
expectancy only by the humanoids who utilize them.
Be nice to us.
This transmission is ended.
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