Saturday, February 14, 2015

Family Reunion

It was day 2 of our four days of teaching discipleship and VBS. There were over 80 women and children present and over 30 men. And, we had already welcomed over 20 new believers into the family of God.

We were taking a break between teaching and storying sessions. I looked around and realized it looked, sounded, and felt exactly like a family reunion.
The women were laughing and talking in a large group. The older men were in a group talking and playing a game of catch. The younger women and children were playing jump rope and tossing balls.

The Young men were playing a game of futball (soccer).
Who knows if all these Maasai are actually related or just live in close proximity of one another. But, regardless, a great time was being had by all in attendance.

As the family of God, even if we never see these Maasai brothers and sisters in Christ again on earth we will have a family reunion in heaven one day.