Saturday, August 24, 2013

Youth on Mission Part 2

 When many people hear of others going on a mission trip, many thoughts can run through their minds. However, after actually getting to go on a mission trip across the world only one word runs through my mind: undescribeable. (Im not sure that is a word, but still) 
After returning back to the states to my family, friends, and even classmates, everyone wants to hear about it and often ask, "tell me a story?". Many times I do not even know where to begin because there are SO many stories! I have one for from the time I arrived at the first airport that morning
to stories that make me yearn for the people I met. Usually, I just say okay and tell as many stories as I can untill I notice that they aren't listening anymore. I try to add so much passion that went into making the stories when telling them, yet sometimes it just doesn't sink in. I do know though that I absolutly want to go back, maybe for a little longer and get to know more about the profession of being a missionary and to experiance the people and life changing events again. I loved it there and I can honestly say, not a day goes by that I don't think about and connect my life here to what I learned there; no matter what I'm doing, or how busy I am, or what I want to do in the future, this trip will forever be in my mind. Savannah Reaves

Monday, August 19, 2013

Youth on Mission

This trip was beyond amazing! God works in many ways! Right before I found out about the trip to Tanzania I felt like God was calling me to youth ministry. I knew this would be a great opportunity for God to show me more of what He has planned, I just didn't know how great it really was going to be. I still do not have words to describe this trip. What stuck out the most was how eager the Maasai people were to learn and praise God! They are on fire for the Lord! All I could wonder about is why we, back in America, weren't as on fire as them? On Sundays we worship God, but the rest of the week what are we really doing? I am just thankful that as a 17 year old I had this opportunity and experience! Ethan Stalker