She then found out she was pregnant again. She prayed about this new situation and then decided to leave her boma and go into the bush. She would take her chances there. She felt like if she could not have another child, she wanted to die also.
She traveled very far and found a cave in a small hill near a water source. She set up house so to speak to live her time out in the bush and hopefully return to her boma with her new and healthy child. It became night and she went to sleep. During the night, she woke up to a stirring noise in the cave. It was a pride of lions! She was their home invader. But the lions did not bother her.
This scenario continued for several months - the pride bringing a kill to the cave and the woman being able to eat some of it. The woman continued in her pregnancy to full term and self-delivered a healthy baby! She praised God and made preparations to return to her boma.
As she began her journey, she noticed that the pride of lions accompanied her, seeming to protect her from other predators and bringing food at other times.
She made it back to her boma and began to relate her story to the rest of her family. The family panicked when the saw the lion pride not too far from their boma! The warriors grabbed their weapons and prepared to protect their boma from this major threat!
But the woman stopped them and proceeded to finish her story about the pride's protection and provision for her while in the bush.
He agreed and they followed through with the request.
The pride had a grand meal and then left during the night.
They have not been seen since in that area.
That boma is now called The Lion Boma.
It is a testimony to God's miraculous provision and protection through a unique means!
How great is our God!!
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