Health was the elusive subject of this Tanzanian woman. She had done all she could to rid herself of the malady that plagued her for these many months. Hospital doctors, medicines, local herbalists, even the "spirit doctors" were of no help. The condition was constant with no relief or healing in sight.
Then one day, she heard of a bi-vocational Baptist pastor who was serving in a church in her area. She had heard about some of the things that had occurred as a direct result of prayer. This church has a dedicated prayer service on Friday and one on Sunday.
The church continued to pray for this lady, her sickness, and also prayed that the demons would leave her. The woman came to one of the Friday prayer meetings and declared that she "had been set free" and been saved! The pastor asked her many questions, listened to her testimony, and was satisfied that she had truly received Jesus as her Savior and Lord! Also to her amazement and praise, she no longer had the sickness that had taken up residence in her body. She was completely healed!
Later, 3 other people came to the pastor. They related the story of this woman who had been cured and set free from the demonic oppression and probable possession. Because of this woman sharing her new testimony with them, they also wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior. Then they related that they too had been involved in witchcraft and had buried their occult articles in their yard. The pastor went with them to this "burial plot", took a hoe, dug up the articles and proceeded to have a bonfire service of destroying these articles and a praise time for the Lord Jesus Christ! When people here burn their occult objects, that is true sign of their repentance and faith!
How God still continues to work through prayer!!
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