Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Diary of a Volunteer Part 2

VBS at Embukoi
Hello from Tanzania, we started our first day of Bible school at the New church. 66 little ones came. Even the very littlest ones walk through the field. Probably the hottest day so far, high 90's. We are doing the same things here, but in a different order. The children did very well paying attention to the stories. The adults were working in the field planting (this is their rainy season) and they have to work while they can to have food to eat so they did not come for the discipleship class. The three interpretations are staying at the church so when planting is over they were going to teach the adults. We waited around for three hours on the adults and then left. It takes us about one and a half hours each way. We start in the Land Rover for the paved roads then transfer to donkey for about five miles and the last couple of miles we walk in on foot. Only kidding, but you would not believe where we go. Once you leave the paved road you just drive through fields. Rocks are everywhere, ditches, holes well you get the idea. You put your life in great danger traveling here. Pam and I set in the very back and
believe me we feel every rock. It really is about 6 miles through the field. Came back to the house ,had a good dinner, and starting doing crafts,working on 10 stories for tomorrow and then had to pack the car. This is not a vacation, but it is even more than I could have imagined. I am feeling so blessed and a little overwhelmed. To the people here time is nothing ,relationships and events are everything. We need to learn from them. Thanks for the prayers.
Hello from Africa! Another really hot day here, in the 90's. We had a few drops of rain going out and again as we were come back. Very dry here and needing rain. 

We did get a good look at Mt Kilimanjaro today. The clouds cover it most of the time, but today on the way to Bible school we were almost hanging out the land rover looking and of course taking pictures. We had about 60 children again today. What a joy to be able to share our Jesus with these precious ones. They can see us coming maybe a mile away (wide open dusty fields) and they come running. Through interpreted' s we tell them, using a story cloth with 42 stories on it, everything from the beginning to the end of the Bible. Today during craft time we made lion puppet' s on lunch bags and had so much fun making sounds like a lion. It takes so very little to make them smile. The adults did come today, about 20 who all said they were believers. Pastor Carter was able to share the line and the wheel with them and then gave them tracks explaining it. On the way home stopped at an open air market along the highway and gave out more tracks in their language, thanks to our church. This has been such an eye opener for me as I had never been out of the country. I have so much to be thankful for. Even the poor in America are rich compared to the Masai people. God has truly blessed our country. I have found it very easy to care for these people because the same Jesus died for them and for us. Language, race, different cultures none of it matters He only cares about our hearts.
Today was the next to last day of Bible school. How I look forward to watching for the little ones walking and running through the open fields to great us. They stand and in English say good morning. When they pray they put both hands open over their face. The Lord must have something really special for us tomorrow, because the devil has been working overtime today. First the electric went off through the night and was still off when we all rolled out of bed at 6:00am coming back on shortly before we left at 8:00. When we came back around 6:00pm it was off again. While Pam started our dinner the rest of us started getting everything ready for tomorrow. Lights on lights off lights on and then off again. Candles were lite and we finished with the crafts and the special bags of goodies. I did not mention Beverly is still feeling really bad, Pastor Carter had been sick to his stomach all day and Ruby has a bad sore throat. On the positive side today we got the best view of Mt Kilimanjaro so far as we made our way to Bible school. The house is quiet now as everyone has gone to bed but me and I am about ready. Feeling very blessed for how good the Lord has been to me. Lord willing (and we have electric) I will post again tomorrow. Love in Christ, BiBi. The name given to me by the Moshi people meaning grandmother
Well I will try again to post about our last day of Bible school on Friday. We arrived to find most of the children already there and playing in the yard. Dan, our missionary host, started blowing his car horn
and they took off running and laughing. First thing they showed us was a 5 foot DEAD cobra hanging in a tree. Guess who killed it? The children stoned it, guess it was no big deal for them, but we girls did not want anything to do with it. Pastor Carter had his picture taken with it though. The month of March is the rainy season and we had a hard rain most of the Thursday night making it less dusty for our play time. Because it had rained some of the children were not able to attend because they had to work in the fields. The children have so much responsible starting at a very young age. Several 4 or 5 year olds came to Bible school carrying a little one, maybe 18 months old or younger, on their backs and took care of them. We finished the last 10 stories and had craft time. They enjoy coloring and try very hard to stay in the lines. We found out the girl really like jumping rope and the boys like anything with a ball. They love to sing and even though I don't understand the words I love listening to them. We had prepared treat bags for each child as they left. It had some candy, little toys, a couple crafts they could do at home, a cross and the wordless Bible bracelet that the Willing
Workers had made for us to bring. Pastor Carter explained what each color stood for, and they all put them on right away. The school teacher of the children, Philip, ask that we pray for him that he would be able to afford school and be a real teacher and teach the children our English. Even though we had only a few days with them they stoled my heart. Only wish we could have done more. Dan and Pam took us to a nice sidewalk Italian restaurant. We all had pizza, but can you imagine they do not have pepperoni here. Keep us in your prayers, please

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