Friday, August 29, 2014

A Grave Baptism

The team from Calvary Baptist Church had finished their teaching in evangelism and discipleship at Kiti Ngarne.  The time now was to baptize some new believers.  Water is a huge issue in the Maasai areas so one has to be creative when baptism.

So, for this day, the steps involved were:

1)  Get a large tarp (purchased in Moshi)
2)  Dig a hole large enough and deep enough for a person to lay down in.  This hole resembles a
3)  Put the tarp in the hole.

4)  Bring water in on donkeys to fill the hole up with water about 2 feet deep.
5)  Invite everyone to watch as the new believers demonstrated their faith by being baptized.

The new pastor in the area, Elia, watched as one of our Maasai leaders, Emanuel M., baptized the first 2 believers.
Then the pastor finished the rest of the baptisms, a very new experience for him.

I had the new pastor do this so that the body of believers and himself could "own" this situation and the ability to baptize new believers without an "official or missionary" being present.

This is essential for the church to have this foundation so that they can move ahead.
They have the experience -- now comes their part in forging ahead in growing their church!

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